Personal Tax Preparation
Trying to prepare your own income tax returns can leave taxpayers with more questions than answers. For a lot of people, US tax laws are so complicated that filing even a basic return can be time consuming and confusing. It’s simply too easy to overlook or misunderstand a change to the tax code that might impact them. As an example, are you subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax?
It’s easy to overlook deductions or other tax credits to which you may be entitled, even if you use Turbo Tax or some other tax software to prepare your own returns. There’s no substitute for an experienced tax professional. According to a study released by the US Government’s General Accounting Office, 77% of all US taxpayers believe they benefited, financially-speaking, from enlisting the services of a professional tax preparer.
At On Point Accounting & Tax, we take our fiduciary responsibility to our clients seriously. Our professional staff of tax preparation professionals will review your tax documents, and look for possible tax deductions that you may have, otherwise, overlooked. Our thorough review of your financial information and our tax preparation process will minimize potential problems that the IRS or other tax authorities may detect. Nobody wants to get a notice in the mail from the IRS!
Electronic Tax Filing
Your tax returns can be filed quickly and easily, electronically, simplifying the processing. Further, if you have a refund due, electronic filing will hasten the receipt of those funds into your bank account. We also consult on tax planning for individuals. Tax season is a great time to start planning for next year’s taxes. You may find that keeping more of your paycheck will not require you to pay any penalties at all the following year. In fact, if your tax refunds are significant, you may be paying in more in taxes, throughout the year, than you need to, effectively loaning the government your money, at 0% interest!
On Point Accounting & Tax knows what your tax preparation needs:
- Tax Preparation Personal Appointment
We are available for you to call, email, or schedule an appointment online. We’ll go over your individual tax situation, and will generally have your return completed within only one hour.
- Tax Preparation Drop-Off Service
Mail, fax, or email your tax information to us and we’ll prepare your return for you. We will generally complete your return within one to two business days. - Tax Preparation Self-Service
Complete your own tax return online from the convenience of your own home! Our pricing is competitive: 1040EZ is FREE, 1040A is $19.95, 1040 is $39.95 and State Taxes are $29.95.