Tax Preparedness Series: Tax Records What to Keep
Super User

As tax filing season approaches, the Internal Revenue Service has information for taxpayers who wonder how long to keep tax returns and other documents. Generally, the IRS recommends keeping copies of tax returns and supporting documents at least three years. Some documents should be kept up to seven years in case a taxpayer needs to file an amended return or if questions arise. Keep records relating to real estate up to seven years after disposing of the property.

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Rebuild your Financial Confidence
Super User

Don’t let financial fears paralyze you into a state of indecision; it’s time to take the reins and regain control of your financial future.


As the economy starts to recover and jobs may not be quite as hard to come by, it’s time to regain a sense of purpose and empowerment when it comes to your finances.  Here are some practical steps to help recover from and begin getting your fiscal future back on track:


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