Service Payroll | On Point Accounting and Tax

Business tax preparation

At On Point Accounting & Tax, we take our fiduciary responsibility to our clients seriously.

Our professional staff of tax preparation professionals will review your tax documents, and look for possible tax deductions that you may have, otherwise, overlooked.

It’s easy to overlook deductions or other tax credits to which you may be entitled, even if you use Turbo Tax or some other tax software to prepare your own returns. There’s no substitute for an experienced tax professional. According to a study released by the US Government’s General Accounting Office, 77% of all US taxpayers believe they benefited, financially-speaking, from enlisting the services of a professional tax preparer.

Our thorough review of your financial information and our tax preparation process will minimize potential problems that the IRS or other tax authorities may detect. Nobody wants to get a notice in the mail from the IRS!